verbo transitivo
1. | [far venire] Conjugaison to call |
2. | [telefonare]
Conjugaison to call, Conjugaison to phone
appena arrivo, ti chiamo I'll call you as soon as I arrive |
3. | [svegliare] Conjugaison to call, Conjugaison to wake |
4. | [metter nome a] Conjugaison to call, Conjugaison to name |
5. | [definire]
Conjugaison to call
e chiamalo scemo! you can hardly call him stupid! |
6. | DIR Conjugaison to summons |
verbo intransitivo pronominale
1. | [aver nome]
come ti chiami? what's your name? si chiama Maria her name's Maria, she's called Maria |
2. | [voler dire]
questa sì che si chiama onestà that's what you call honesty |