verbo transitivo Conjugaison
1. | [suj: mosquito, serpiente]
Conjugaison to bite
[suj: avispa, escorpión, ortiga] Conjugaison to sting |
2. | [escocer]
Conjugaison to itch
me pican los ojos my eyes are stinging |
3. | [triturar - verdura]
Conjugaison to chop [ - carne] Conjugaison to mince |
4. | [suj: ave] Conjugaison to peck |
5. | [aperitivo] Conjugaison to pick at |
6. | [tierra, piedra, hielo] to hack at |
7. | (figurado) [enojar] Conjugaison to irritate |
8. | (figurado)
[estimular - persona, caballo]
Conjugaison to spur on [ - curiosidad] Conjugaison to prick |
9. | [perforar - billete, ficha] Conjugaison to punch |
10. | [teclear] Conjugaison to type |
verbo intransitivo Conjugaison
1. | [alimento] to be spicy o hot |
2. | [pez] Conjugaison to bite |
3. | [escocer] Conjugaison to itch |
4. | [ave] Conjugaison to peck |
5. | [tomar un aperitivo] Conjugaison to nibble |
6. | [sol] Conjugaison to burn |
7. | [dejarse engañar] to take the bait |
8. | (loc)
picar (muy) alto to have great ambitions |
verbo pronominal Conjugaison
1. | [vino] to turn sour |
2. | [ropa] to become moth-eaten |
3. | [mar] to get choppy |
4. | [diente] to get a cavity |
5. | [oxidarse] to go rusty |
6. | (figurado) [enfadarse] to get annoyed o cross |
7. | (familiar) [inyectarse droga] Conjugaison to shoot up |