sustantivo femenino
1. | [órgano]
hablar por la nariz to talk through one's nose sonarse la nariz to blow one's nose tener la nariz tapada to have a stuffed up o blocked nose nariz aguileña/chata/respingona Roman/snub/turned-up nose |
2. | [orificio] nostril |
3. | [olfato] sense of smell |
4. | (loc)
me da en la nariz que ... (familiar) I've got a feeling that ... dar a alguien en las narices con algo (familiar) to rub somebody's nose in something darse de narices contra algo (familiar) to bump into something, to go flat into something de narices (familiar) [estupendo] great, brilliant estar hasta las narices (de algo) (familiar) to be fed up to the back teeth (with something) hacer algo por narices (familiar) to have no alternative but to do something me estás hinchando las narices (familiar) you're beginning to get up my nose meter las narices en algo (familiar) to poke o stick one's nose into something no ver uno más allá de sus narices (familiar) not to see past one's nose romper las narices a alguien (familiar) to smash somebody's face in romperse las narices (familiar) to fall flat on one's face ¡tiene narices la cosa! (familiar) it's a scandal! |