1. | [idéntico]
igual (que) the same (as) llevan jerseys iguales they're wearing the same jumper son iguales they're the same |
2. | [parecido]
igual (que) similar (to) |
3. | [equivalente]
igual (a) equal (to) |
4. | [liso] even |
5. | [constante - velocidad]
constant [ - clima, temperatura] even |
6. | MAT
A más B es igual a C A plus B equals C |
sustantivo masculino y femenino
de igual a igual as an equal
no tener igual to have no equal, to be unrivalled
sin igual without equal, unrivalled
1. | [de la misma manera]
the same
yo pienso igual I think the same, I think so too al igual que just like por igual equally |
2. | [posiblemente]
igual llueve it could well rain |
3. | DEP
van iguales the scores are level |
4. | (loc)
dar o ser igual a alguien to be all the same to somebody es o da igual it doesn't matter, it doesn't make any difference |