verbo transitivo Conjugaison
1. | [desarraigar - árbol]
Conjugaison to uproot [ - malas hierbas, flor] Conjugaison to pull up |
2. | [quitar, separar]
to tear o
rip off
[cable, página, pelo] to tear out [cartel, cortinas] Conjugaison to tear down [muela] Conjugaison to pull out, Conjugaison to extract [ojos] Conjugaison to gouge out |
3. | [arrebatar]
arrancar algo a alguien to grab o snatch something from somebody |
4. | AUTO INFORM Conjugaison to start up |
5. | (figurado)
arrancar algo a alguien [confesión, promesa, secreto] to extract something from somebody [sonrisa, dinero, ovación] to get something out of somebody [suspiro, carcajada] to bring something from somebody |
6. | (figurado)
arrancar a alguien de un sitio to shift somebody from somewhere |
verbo intransitivo Conjugaison
1. | [partir] Conjugaison to set off |
2. | [suj: máquina, coche] Conjugaison to start |
3. | [provenir]
arrancar de to stem from |
verbo pronominal Conjugaison
arrancarse a hacer algo to begin o start to do something