Traduction de worthy worthy [ˈwɜ:δɪ] (compar worthier, superl worthiest)adjective [deserving - person] digne, méritant [ - cause] louable, digne to be worthy of something être digne de or mériter quelque chose to be worthy to do something être digne or mériter de faire quelque chose she was a worthy winner elle méritait bien de gagner it is worthy of note that ... il est intéressant de remarquer or de noter que...(humorous) excellent, brave worthy [ˈwɜ:δɪ] (pl worthies)noun [important person] notable mf(humorous) brave citoyen m, citoyenne f
Traduction de worthy worthy [ˈwɜ:δɪ] (compar worthier, superl worthiest)adjective [deserving - person] digne, méritant [ - cause] louable, digne to be worthy of something être digne de or mériter quelque chose to be worthy to do something être digne or mériter de faire quelque chose she was a worthy winner elle méritait bien de gagner it is worthy of note that ... il est intéressant de remarquer or de noter que...(humorous) excellent, brave worthy [ˈwɜ:δɪ] (pl worthies)noun [important person] notable mf(humorous) brave citoyen m, citoyenne f
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