Traduction de unworthy unworthy [ʌnˈwɜ:δɪ]adjective [unbefitting] indigne [undeserving] indigne, peu méritant he felt unworthy of such praise il se croyait indigne de or il ne croyait pas mériter de telles louanges such details are unworthy of her attention de tels détails ne méritent pas son attention
Traduction de unworthy unworthy [ʌnˈwɜ:δɪ]adjective [unbefitting] indigne [undeserving] indigne, peu méritant he felt unworthy of such praise il se croyait indigne de or il ne croyait pas mériter de telles louanges such details are unworthy of her attention de tels détails ne méritent pas son attention
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