Traduction de patron patron [ˈpeɪtrən]noun [sponsor - of the arts] mécène m [ - of a festival] parrain m, sponsor m many multinational companies are becoming patrons of the arts de nombreuses multinationales se lancent dans le mécénat [customer - of restaurant, hotel, shop] client m, cliente f [ - of library] usager m [ - of museum] visiteur m, visiteuse f [ - of theatre, cinema] spectateur m, spectatrice f ‘patrons only’ ‘réservé aux clients’ [in ancient Rome] patron m
Traduction de patron patron [ˈpeɪtrən]noun [sponsor - of the arts] mécène m [ - of a festival] parrain m, sponsor m many multinational companies are becoming patrons of the arts de nombreuses multinationales se lancent dans le mécénat [customer - of restaurant, hotel, shop] client m, cliente f [ - of library] usager m [ - of museum] visiteur m, visiteuse f [ - of theatre, cinema] spectateur m, spectatrice f ‘patrons only’ ‘réservé aux clients’ [in ancient Rome] patron m
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