Traduction de outstretched outstretched [ˌaʊtˈstretʃt]adjective [limbs, body] étendu, allongé [wings] déployé with arms outstretched, with outstretched arms [generally] les bras écartés [in welcome] à bras (grand) ouverts the beggar stood outside the church with outstretched hands le mendiant se tenait devant l'église, la main tendue
Traduction de outstretched outstretched [ˌaʊtˈstretʃt]adjective [limbs, body] étendu, allongé [wings] déployé with arms outstretched, with outstretched arms [generally] les bras écartés [in welcome] à bras (grand) ouverts the beggar stood outside the church with outstretched hands le mendiant se tenait devant l'église, la main tendue
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. My father is taking … to the zoo on Sunday. all of us each of every