Traduction de hip hip [hɪp]noun [part of body] hanche f with one's hands on one's hips les mains sur les hanches to be big/small around the hips avoir les hanches larges/étroites to break one's hip se casser le col du fémur [berry] fruit m de l'églantier/du rosier, cynorhodon m, gratte-cul m hip [hɪp]compound hip measurement or size tour m de hanches hip [hɪp]interjection hiphip, hooray ! hip hip hip, hourra ! hip [hɪp] (informal)adjective [fashionable] branché
Traduction de hip hip [hɪp]noun [part of body] hanche f with one's hands on one's hips les mains sur les hanches to be big/small around the hips avoir les hanches larges/étroites to break one's hip se casser le col du fémur [berry] fruit m de l'églantier/du rosier, cynorhodon m, gratte-cul m hip [hɪp]compound hip measurement or size tour m de hanches hip [hɪp]interjection hiphip, hooray ! hip hip hip, hourra ! hip [hɪp] (informal)adjective [fashionable] branché
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. February is the … month of the year. the shorter the shortest the most short