Traduction de earnest earnest [ˈɜ:nɪst]adjective [person, expression, tone] sérieux [hope, request] ardent, fervent [endeavour] fervent [desire] profond in earnestphrasal adverb [seriously] sérieusement, sincèrement [in a determined way] sérieusement it's raining in earnest now il pleut pour de bon cette fois in earnestphrasal adjective to be in earnest être sérieux
Traduction de earnest earnest [ˈɜ:nɪst]adjective [person, expression, tone] sérieux [hope, request] ardent, fervent [endeavour] fervent [desire] profond in earnestphrasal adverb [seriously] sérieusement, sincèrement [in a determined way] sérieusement it's raining in earnest now il pleut pour de bon cette fois in earnestphrasal adjective to be in earnest être sérieux
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. This driver is crazy, he is … an accident. to having going to going to have