Traduction de addition addition [əˈdɪʃn]noun [generally, mathematics] addition f [something or someone added] addition f, ajout m they're going to have an addition to the family leur famille va s'agrandir she's a welcome new addition to our staff nous sommes heureux de la compter au sein du personnel(US) [to house] annexe f in additionphrasal adverb de plus, de surcroît in addition tophrasal preposition en plus de
Traduction de addition addition [əˈdɪʃn]noun [generally, mathematics] addition f [something or someone added] addition f, ajout m they're going to have an addition to the family leur famille va s'agrandir she's a welcome new addition to our staff nous sommes heureux de la compter au sein du personnel(US) [to house] annexe f in additionphrasal adverb de plus, de surcroît in addition tophrasal preposition en plus de
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Next week, my dad's … me to the zoo. takes taking