
(weak form     [δəm], , strong form     [δem])
personal pronoun plural
1. (direct)   los mpl, las fpl
 I know them   los conozco
 I like them   me gustan
 if I were or was them   si (yo) fuera ellos
2. (indirect - generally)   les
(- with other 3rd pers pronouns)   se masculino plural, femenino plural
 she sent them a letter   les mandó una carta
 we spoke to them   hablamos con ellos
 I gave it to them   se lo di (a ellos)
3. (stressed, after prep, in comparisons etc.)   ellos mpl, ellas fpl
 you can't expect them to do it   no esperarás que ellos lo hagan
 with/without them   con/sin ellos
 a few of them   unos pocos
 some of them   algunos
 all of them   todos ellos
 we're not as wealthy as them   no somos tan ricos como ellos

Mots proches


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  • He wishes his wife … part-time.