1. | [generally] sello m, estampilla f (Amér), timbre m (Méx) |
2. | [tool] tampón m |
[stæmp]transitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [mark by stamping] timbrar, Conjugaison sellar |
2. | [stomp]
to stamp one's feet patear |
3. | [stick stamp on] Conjugaison sellar, poner un sello en, franquear, estampillar (Amér), timbrar (Méx) |
4. | (fig)
[identify, mark]
to stamp something/somebody as identificar algo/a alguien como |
[stæmp]intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [stomp] Conjugaison patalear, dar patadas |
2. | [tread heavily]
to stamp on something pisotear or pisar algo |
stamp out
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[custom] Conjugaison erradicar
[fire, revolution] Conjugaison sofocar