
possessive adjective
  su, sus (plural)
 his house   su casa
 his children   sus niños
 his name is Joe   se llama Joe
 it wasn't his fault   no fue culpa suya or su culpa
 he washed his hair   se lavó el pelo



possessive pronoun
  suyo ( f suya)
 that money is his   ese dinero es suyo
 those keys are his   esas llaves son suyas
 it wasn't her fault, it was his   no fue culpa de ella sino de él
 a friend of his   un amigo suyo, un amigo de él
 mine is good, but his is bad   el mío es bueno pero el suyo es malo

Mots proches

Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient.

  • There is a lion and two tigers in the cage, … are very dangerous.