we were poor but happy éramos pobres pero felices
she owns not one but two houses tiene no una sino dos casas
but now let's talk about you pero ahora hablemos de ti
menos, excepto
everyone but Jane was there todos estaban allí, menos Jane
we've had nothing but bad weather no hemos tenido más que mal tiempo
he has no one but himself to blame la culpa no es de otro más que él or sino de él
had I but known de haberlo sabido
we can but try por intentarlo que no quede
she has but recently joined the firm hace tan sólo un tiempo que entró en la empresa
but for
de no ser por
but for her I'd have died de no ser por ella, hubiera muerto
but then
I really liked the book, but then it is by my favourite author me gustó mucho el libro, pero claro, es de mi escritor favorito