Traduction de nègre nègre, négresse [nεgr, negrεs] (vieilli)nom masculin, nom féminin (vieilli) Negro (f Negress) (note: the terms "nègre" and "négresse", like their English equivalents, are considered dated and offensive) nègrenom masculin [écrivain] ghost(writer) nègreadjectif art & musique Negro
Traduction de nègre nègre, négresse [nεgr, negrεs] (vieilli)nom masculin, nom féminin (vieilli) Negro (f Negress) (note: the terms "nègre" and "négresse", like their English equivalents, are considered dated and offensive) nègrenom masculin [écrivain] ghost(writer) nègreadjectif art & musique Negro
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. I … go to the disco. weren't allowed to am not allowed to